This past summer, I had the amazing opportunity to participate in three different anthologies with three amazing groups of authors. You may recognize these covers and collections from their summer releases.
My stories in these anthologies formed the first three stories in my new Shenanigans series: Shifter Shenanigans, Witchy Shenanigans and Full Moon Shenanigans. These three stories will be released individually over the next month under new covers. Look for Shifter Shenanigans to hit the stands next week, Witchy Shenanigans to arrive just in time for Halloween and Full Moon Shenanigans to arrive in November. Aren't these new covers adorable?
Then, just in time for the holidays, the fourth story in the series, Hotel Shenanigans will be released. Look for that cover reveal to arrive sometime over the next several weeks. It's going to be a wild ride at Shenanigans this fall!